5 June 2015: Janayioti secondary school, Leptung village, Dolakha district, Nepal
At 9:30 pm yesterday night, we were finished with the loading of the 3 tons of food, sport games and cooking pots that we are looking forward to bringing to the Janayioti school tomorrow. The food will serve as a daily snack and lunch for the 360 kids for one and a half month.
A long day is waiting for us…
4:30 am departure from Kathmandu. After 7 and a half hours driving we arrive under an amazing heat at destination. The villagers have been previously informed by the head teacher of our visit. Again everybody is helping to carry the food and material up to the village. It is nice to see such a great solidarity between the generations.
At our arrival at the school campground, we are so happy to note the great work that the villagers have done in only one week under such a heat: they have cleared up the majority of the debris of the old school, built 10 classes, 1 teacher room, 1 store room, 1 small kitchen and 4 toilets during that time with the shelters we brought last time (see article of 28 June 2015).
The kids wear their uniform (for those who could save it from the debris of their houses…) and run around us to be proudly on our pictures. So many smiles are exchanged.
Before leaving, the headmadster, together with a teacher in charge have prepared a small speech in front of all the kids to thank us for our support. The elder girls are surrounding us with beautiful flower garlings that they have made themselves.
It is a touching moment…
The heart full of beautiful smiles we leave to go back to Kathmandu on the same day. 14 and a half hours of driving today…but what a beautiful day.
The school will officially start on next Monday (8 June 2015). The daily program for the next months will be as follow:
5:30 am meeting at school;
6.00 am small snack with tea given to all the kids;
Till 11 am normal school program.
A lunch is then served to all the kids before going home and help their parents in their different daily tasks.
Once again, we express our deep thanks to all our generous donators and a special thanks to Jessica Tradati and our friends SA�verine and Nicolas Pont Combe for their particular support for this school.
The next aim is for tomorrow: Norbu and me are leaving for the Langtang national park area to provide the shelters that we finally got thanks to the hard determination of Norbu, to build the 5 classes of the primary school, together with the necessary tools, a dashboard per class, a notebook and pencils/pens for each kid.
On the same time, we will bring some tents, which have been sent by our Austrian friend Stephan Keck to Nepal.
food for 1 and half month along with cooking pots and games
Head Teacher appreciating our Support
Wild Yak Expeditions Team with School Children
Left collapse School and on right provisory Class rooms
School kids out of Class rooms
Provisory Class rooms still some under construction
Class room from inside
School children helping to carry school cooking pots
villagers helping to carry the food for the school kids
School toilets still one is in constrution
Kids from nursery